Associated Papers for Hazardous Chemical Registration Issued
Author:佚名 Hits: Date:2012-10-23 12:05:01 【Font:Large Middle Small

Recently, SAWS (State Administration of Workplace Safety) issued at its website the 8 associated papers that will be used for the Registration of Hazardous Chemicals (please refer to /html/ywb/Ewxhxpdj_258_68.asp).


Comparing to the draft version for comments issued by NRCC in July 2012, the final version of the 8 papers was modified only a little bit, but notably ---- the toxicity and ecotoxicity data in chapter 11 and 12 of MSDS are not mandatoy anymore (the draft version requires some of these data e.g. acute fish toxicity, etc. are madatory).


Even the 8 papers are issued, the Registration Work can only be started after the 'Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals' be issued by government, which is estimated in April 2013 as earliest.


The website of SAWS for the publication:


Should you have question, please feel free to contact us,

Frank Wang

Tel.: +86(21)6275 7818
